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Adolphus Elementary School

Home of the Bulldogs

Library Home


Adolphus Elementary Library


Michelle Steenbergen, MLS



Library Hours:

Monday – Friday

7:15 am – 2:30 pm


Library Catalog


District Library Page

Birthday Book Club


District Library Events

  • Book Checkout

    Adolphus students come to the library during their specials rotation.

    Kindergarten – 1st Grade:  1 book at a time

    2nd –  5th Grade:  2 books at a time

    Students may not check out new books if their previous books have not been returned, so please remind your students to return their library books on time.  The best place for students to store their library books is in their backpacks, so they can check out new ones when they come to the library.  All library books are expected to be kept in a sealed Ziploc bag to protect them from damage.  The Ziploc bags are provided by the librarian at the beginning of the year.

  • Damaged Books

    When a book is returned damaged beyond repair, the replacement cost of the book will be charged. Damage to library materials includes but is not limited to: spills from food, drink or other substances; damage to cover or spine; cutting or tearing pages; or writing with pencil, pen, markers, etc.

    Cash or personal checks are acceptable forms of payment to cover the replacement cost of damaged books.  Please make personal checks out to Adolphus Elementary.

  • Lost Books

    Once a book is 30 days past due, the system will mark it as "lost" and students will be charged for the replacement cost of the book. If the book is found and returned in good condition, the fee will be dropped. If the student has already paid for the book but finds and returns it in good condition (during the same school year), then the amount paid will be refunded.  

    Cash or personal checks are acceptable forms of payment to cover the replacement cost of lost books.  Please make personal checks out to Adolphus Elementary.